NOAA/GSL Global Modeling

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2-m Temperature

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Precipitable Water/500hPa Height

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250hPa Wind

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Total 5-day Accumulated Precip


Subseasonal modeling

Inline-aerosol/chemistry modeling

News Items

  • Fall 2017 - FV3 realtime runs started. Tests with FV3 are underway with Grell-Freitas convection (C384 - 25km) toward NGGPS development. FV3-GFS .vs. FV3-GFS (Grell-Freitas)
  • Nov 2016 - FIM moving toward FV3 -- FV3 coordination and development started with NCEP and GFDL and ESRL/PSD. Some limited FIM experiments with physics and coupled modeling (Week 3-4) will continue as an interim model while initial development on FV3 starts.
  • Oct 2016 - 30km FIM experiments continue with alternative cumulus parameterizations comparisons. FIM-30km uses the GFS physics suite including its simplified-Arakawa-Schubert scheme. By contrast, FIMX-alt-30km uses the Grell-Freitas instead of the SAS scheme with the rest of the GFS physics suite otherwise. FIM-15km uses the GFS physics suite, but with use of MODIS land-use data instead of USGS.
  • FIM model paper - Mon. Wea. Rev. June 2015, 2386-2403.